Archangel Michael
- the Angel of Protection
and Transmutation
Angelic Reiki It is the absolute joy of working hand in hand with the Angelic Kingdom of Light to bring their healing energy to individuals, groups & the planet. Angels are beings who exist outside the different dimensions as we know them. Through their guidance & the healing art of Angelic Reiki, we can positively influence the creative energy systems of an individual or group, according to Divine Will. This could be on a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level.
The unique, complete system of angelic healing that is Angelic Reiki was channelled to Kevin Core by Archangel Metatron between October 2002 & February 2003. From that time onwards, Kevin & Christine Core developed & taught Angelic Reiki worldwide. Their tireless dedication to anchoring the high, pure vibrations of the Angelic Kingdom on Earth through their teachings has benefited countless people in many countries & contributed to raising the consciousness of humanity. Angelic Reiki is a safe, natural, high frequency, multidimensional system of Angelic Healing & consciousness expansion that allows connection through the Angelic Kingdom of Light to your Soul energy in order to bring through powerful healing; yet it is simple to learn, easy to use & a delight to receive. It is a beautiful, gentle, relaxing & powerful spiritual healing system. It works on the physical, mental, emotional & spiritual levels to bring balance to our entire being & can bring about a significant improvement in many aspects of our lives.
Tania has trained in Angelic Reiki Levels 1, 2, 3 & 4 & is a qualified Angelic Reiki Teacher.
It is such a privilege to work with people & their healing angels & we are simply the facilitator for the angelic healing to flow through for the person's highest good. Every session is completely different depending on what the person receiving needs at that time & the energies that come through. Anyone can benefit from Angelic Reiki; adults, children, babies & animals. Angelic Reiki sessions can be given & received distantly, so the person does not need to be in the same room.
Sessions approx 1.15 hours $95.
Angelic Reiki Courses: Would you would like to learn Angelic Reiki for your own self healing (Level 1), or to become a practitioner (Level 2) or go on to become a master (Level 3 & 4). Please contact Tania for full course details.
Tania teaches in person in New Zealand. Check out the Events & Workshops Tab under More to see the dates of all upcoming events & courses.
Angelic Reiki Practitioner Levels 1 and 2 Workshop This workshop imparts the unique system of healing that is Angelic Reiki & is taught over two full days. Investment is $540 for both levels. Students are attuned to 1st & 2nd Degree Angelic Reiki & a number of healing methods are taught. Students gain hands on experience with working hand in hand with the angelic kingdom. This workshop will include:- * Two Angelic Reiki cleansings & attunements * One Archangelic initiation & blessing * A definition & understanding of the nature of Angelic Energy * The principles of clearing & dedicating space * Six healing methods including self & distant healing * At least four practical healing exchanges * Cleansing & tuning crystals * The laws of healing according to the Divine Hierarchy as given by Djwhal Khul. * A Master Crystal * Angelic Reiki Practitioners Manual * Certificate for 1st & 2nd Degree Angelic Reiki
Angelic Reiki Masters Levels 3 and 4 Workshop This workshop guides practitioners to stepping up on their journey with Angelic Reiki & is taught over two full days. Investment is $540 for both levels. Students are attuned to 3rd & 4th Degree Angelic Reiki & a two more healing methods are taught. Students gain more confidence & practice in their hands on experience with working hand in hand with the angelic kingdom. This workshop will include:- * Two Angelic Reiki cleansings & attunements * One Archangelic initiation & blessing * A further understanding of the nature of Angelic Energy * The group connection, support & learning * Two more healing methods * At least three practical healing exchanges * Their Master Crystal attuned to Levels 3 & 4 * Angelic Reiki Masters Manual * Certificate for Masters Degree Angelic Reiki
Angelic Reiki The Metatron Methods Workshop This beautiful workshop is an expansion on from Angelic Reiki Levels 1 & 2 or/& 3 & 4. The only requisite is to have completed Levels 1 & 2 to attend. The investment is $444 for the two full days.
Some of the processes that are covered on this course are:- * Etheric Body Healing * Spherical Healing * Enhancing Your Healing Sessions * Cleansing all the chakras * Angelic Reiki in Death & Dying * The Four Elements * Sacred Geometry & Platonic Solids for Healing * Card Reading & using Metatrons Cube * Karmic Clearing Meditation with Archangel Michael * Seven Ray Meditation * Ascension Activation * Merkabah Activation * and more ... * Metatron Methods Certificate
This workshop is a beautiful opportunity to learn some more tools, to enhance your own practice, to connect with the group coming together & the angelic realms, to refresh & practice & to give & receive at least four healings & to receive two new activations.
Please contact Tania to register or for more information. Tania also welcomes any students who wish to re-sit any or all levels.
ANGELIC REIKI SHARE - Group gatherings are held in person. ANGELIC REIKI GROUP HEALINGS - Twice monthly group healings with guided meditations are held in person with a different theme each time.